
Changes and updates

Feel like something's missing?, just post any feature request or idea here, and we will notify you once they are ready.

0.12.0 - July 25, 2024

  • 8b71fb6
    🚀 added Answer Input - datepicker
  • 27af2f1
    ⚡️ Multi choice answer will save exact value WO validation

0.11.0 - July 15, 2024

  • 2afd2f9
    🚀 Added submission progress bar
  • fdacaaf
    🚀 Current field will be shown in form submission page
  • 8b47847
    ⚡️ Upgraded Turborepo version@2
  • fa351a0
    ⚡️ Upgraded Next.js version@14.2.5

0.10.0 - July 13, 2024

  • 895a181
    🚀 Added Multi Choice Answer Input in Form submission page
  • a1a3b77
    🚀 Added Input Configuration editor in Edit Field Sheet
  • 9ff4d15
    🚀 Added Multi choices Input type editor
  • 38b117f
    💡 upgraded drizzle-orm, moved rest schema validation
  • 77f1bc6
    💄 UI-UX Improvements
  • 54347e8
    💡 moved all form validation schema into one file
  • c3272f7
    💡 Added delete form field button
  • 4936144
    💡 moved converstaion and workspace validation in file
  • 90324a9
    💡 moved db shcemas into seperate files
  • b684e65
    💄 Dragging of Fields are now restricted to VerticalAxis
  • 240cded
    🐛 Unable to save changes in form editor
  • b136923
    🐛 Error in generating form by AI
  • 3edac48
    🐛 Added vercel deployment support for useConvoForm
  • 8ca371d
    🐛 Added URL support from NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL in useconvofo

0.8.0 - May 5, 2024

  • 6370026
    💄 Updated homepage UI, screenshots, text

0.7.0 - May 1, 2024


0.6.1 - April 7, 2024

  • ad3acec
    ⚡️ Added empty string validation in answer input form
  • d3b0332
    💄 UI improvement in Form submission page
  • 50ae285
    💄 Added illustration for endscreen in Form Submission pa

0.6.0 - April 3, 2024

  • aa84182
    🚀 Added custom end screen message setting
  • 1961d0f
    💄 added stagger animation for list items
  • 8376550
    ⚡️ added ratelimit for OpenAI calls
  • e887a1b
    💡 fixed ratelimit error message toast
  • f658846
    💡 changes related to form submission page
  • c72e516
    💄 Added request feature card in landing page
  • aa70d75
    ⚡️ added ratelimit - create workspaces, forms
  • f6a3ce4
    💡 custom end screen message related changes
  • 6ac8f8d
    ⚡️ added ratelimit - edit workspace, form
  • 6df1fcb
    💄 UI improvements in landing page
  • c46eab4
    🐛 Sometimes form editor page not loading
  • 7828ac4
    🐛 tanstack mutate query raise false uncaught error

0.5.0 - February 27, 2024

  • 70182c7
    🚀 As a User, I Can Generate a New Form with AI
  • 0adb281
    🚀 added recent responses and usage card in dashboard page
  • 4c4e066
    💄 UI changes in landing page for new feature lanuch
  • 0c3a265
    💡 clerk webhook db calls from nextjs app to api
  • db04ffc
    💄 make generate AI form dialog responsive
  • f03894e
    💄 UI improvements in auto generate form
  • c183e64
    💄 minor UI changes and removed harcoded value
  • 24e899c
    ⚡️ While using Auto form generate using AI, we will genera
  • 129477a
    💄 fixed percentage in response usage progress circle
  • 2b21f28
    🐛 tremor chart library styling was not working with shadcn
  • 7989c2b
    🐛 edge case where collected data value is not string
  • 37f4203
    🐛 Anyone can edit any form using the form link even it is
  • 386b28a
    🐛 handled uncaught error while chaning form name
  • bf718b7
    🐛 form editor page break sometime
  • faafcbf
    🐛 progress circle label position fixed while scroll window

0.4.0 - February 13, 2024

  • fade9a1
    🚀 added form responses overview page
  • 105e241
    🚀 now you can export and download responses table data
  • b50d53e
    ⚡️ added drizzle and used it in whole project
  • 97fd638
    💡 fixed default value for updatedAt field in database
  • 131c0a7
    ⚡️ upgraded version of tRPC and @tanstack/react-query
  • 8e99984
    ⚡️ removed prisma
  • f8b5e1e
    💄 added screenshots Carousel in landing page hero secito
  • 60c1dda
    💄 Display confirm box before deleting workspace or form
  • 7bda4bf
    Revert "perf: ⚡️ converted tRPC api route into edge runtime"
  • b41bc5d
    ⚡️ converted tRPC api route into edge runtime

0.3.0 - February 2, 2024

  • c61739c
    🚀 Added charts in dashbard page
  • 5677e81
    🚀 Added changelog page
  • f8c2b15
    while going to previous question, previous answer should also auto-filled in input
  • ef2dd15
    ⚡️ Added trpc
  • 40941cb
    ⚡️ added sperate organization selection page
  • 4876b35
    💄 Addded Progress Indicator while navigating pages
  • 61ebf26
    ⚡️ made root page static
  • 3ad6a63
    ⚡️ added meta image
  • f738b62
    🐛 wrong domain name on production doployment
  • 59fb06a
    🐛 Prisma client not working on production
  • 59688a3
    🐛 auth pages were not working
  • f7f404d
    🐛 Unauthorized getOrganizationId(src/lib/getOrganizationId

0.2.1 - January 23, 2024

  • d5dcbd6
    🐛 wrong domain name on production doployment

0.2.0 - January 23, 2024

  • 8ff20ea
    🚀 Added changelog page
  • 2ac600d
    while going to previous question, previous answer should also auto-filled in input